Grunnen Rocks Home Willem Kolvoort
Spider Rico
dutch garagerock
Spider Rico
Valkenboslaan 60 II
2563 CM
The Netherlands
Spider Rico [heyspiderrico[AT]hotmail{DOT}com]

Spider Rico #1:
(debut 7")
Dennie: guitar, howlin' and tramblin'
Lennie: guitar, screamin' and yelling
Robbie: pounding

Spider Rico #2:
Dennie guitar, vocals
Lennie: guitar, vocals
Bassie: bass
Leffie: drums


Robbie was in The Cheap Motels, together with Kevin Aper and members of Beyond Lickin' and Low Point Drains.

  1. Lazy Girl 7" (Motorwolf Records, 1998, MW 005)
    1. Strawberry
    2. Lazy Girl
    3. She's My Girl
    4. Trainjumper
    5. Tick-song
  2. Spider Rico CD-R (Selfreleased, 2003, no cat no)
    1. Mae
    2. I Don't
    3. Trainjumper
    4. Get Over You
  3. So You're Really That Guy From Spider Rico ... 7" (Kuriosa Records, 2004, KUUR-003)
    1. Mae
    2. I Don't
    3. Trainjumper
    4. Get Over You
  4. I Don't CD-R (Livingroom Records, 2004, no cat no)
    1. I Don't
  1. split 7" (Excelsior/Livingroom Records, 2005, excel 96090/LVR 033)
    1. Spider Rico: She's My Girl
    2. Spider Rico: I'm So Cold
    3. Gem: The Subterranean Parade
    4. Gem: All I Want ...
  1. Garage Sale CD (Livingroom Records, 2004, LVR 031)
    1. Get Over You
    2. I Don't
    3. Train Jumper
    4. Feel Alright
    5. I Just Wanna
    6. She's My Girl
    7. Now You Have Said
    8. Mae
    9. Get In Town
    10. I'm So Cold
    11. Summer Love
  1. Motorwolf Den Haag Motor Rock Volume One CD (Motorwolf Records, 2003, MWCD 013)
    1. Yes You Are My Baby
  2. Subbacultcha! CD (Rara Records, 2005, rara 0305)
    1. I Don't


  1. Spider Rico official website