Karp 10980 Little Rock Rd. Olympia, WA 98512
United States Of America
Chris: guitar
Jared: bass
Scott: drums
Jared Warren's musical history
Scott Karp's musical history
- Freighty Cat 7" (Atlas, 1993, atlas 001)
- Freighty Cat
- Pistolwhipped
- Stumbling Game
- Karp and PNMV Proudly Present: Tumwater T-Birds 7" (Punk In My Vitamins, 1994, PNMV 01)
- I'd Rather Be Clogging
- A Turkey Named Brotherhood
- I'm Done 7" (Kill Rock Stars, 1994, KRS-216)
- I'm Done
- Blu Blud
- I'm Done 7" (Punk In My Vitamins, 1995, PNMV 05)
- I'm Done
- Blu Blud
- We Ate Sand 7" (K Records, 1996, IPU 75)
- We Ate Sand
- Bastard Of Disguise
- split 12" (Troubleman Unlimited, 1996, TMU-006)
- Karp: Obstacle Corpse
- Karp: Get Your Hands Off My Cake
- Rye Coalition: tracks ?
- split 7" (Karate Brand, year ?, KBR 007)
- Karp: Dusk (Long Hind Legs)
- Long Hind Legs: Me Big Mouth (Karp)
- split CD (Troubleman Unlimited, year ?, TMU-026)
- Karp: tracks ?
- Rye Coalition: tracks ?
- Mustaches Wild 10"/CD/CS (K Records, year ?, KLP27)
CD and CS do have 10 songs, 10" has 9 tracks ?
- Suplex LP/CD (K Records, year ?, KLP48)
- Get No Toys (When You Pay The Money)
- Connect 5
- Pie
- Lorch-Miller
- Shotzie
- Absolutely Fabulous
- See You At Lakefair
- Meet Me In Lacey
- Treats To The Soul
- Karp CS (Punk In My Vitamins, year ?, PNMV AT01)
- The Fallig Under
- Me Big Mouth
- Handsome Traveller
- Blu Blud
- 30 Ton Press
- Rocky Mountain Rescue
- Nine Lives
- Karp LP/CD (K Records, 1997, KLP67)
tracks ?
- Action Chemistry CD (Punk In My Vitamins, 2001, PNMV 25)
- Rowdy
- Rocky Mountain Rescue
- Dusk
- Nothing Left Inside
- Pistol Whipped
- Plumbing Game
- Gauze
- Blue Blood
- The Falling Under
- Freighty Cat
- Turkey Named Brotherhood
- I'm Done
- Prison Shake
- I'd Rather Be Clogging
- Stars Kill Rock LP (Kill Rock Stars, 1992, KRS-207)
- Gauze
- Stars Kill Rock CD (Kill Rock Stars, 1992, KRS-207)
- Gauze
- Julep LP/CD/CS (Yo-Yo Records, 1993, Yo-Yo 2)
- Leather Face
- Jabberjaw No. 3 7" (Mammoth Records, 1994, MR 0079)
- Rocky Mountain Rescue
- Jabberjaw No. 5 Good To The Last Drop 4x7"-box/2x10"/CD (Mammoth Records, 1994, MR 00981)
- Rocky Mountain Rescue
- Notes From The Underground, Vol. 2 CD (Priority Records, 1995, cat.no.?)
- I'd Rather Be Clogging
- Yo-Yo A Go-Go 3xLP/2xCD (Yo-Yo Records, 1996, Yo-Yo 4)
- Me Big Mouth
- Project Echo LP/CD (K Records, 1997, KLP55)
other bands ? their tracks ?
- How Si Si How
- Yo Yo A Go Go Another Live Compilation 2xLP/CD (Yo-Yo Records, 1999, Yo-Yo 10)
recorded live in Olympia, july 15-20, 1997
- Bacon Industry
- Bostonot 2x7" (Face The Music, year ?, FTM-4)
- Let Me Take You Home Tonight
- Karp Covers @ grunnenrocks.nl
- Karp official website
- Karp factsheet with kill rock stars