Clorox Girls |
punkrockband |
Clorox Girls 2817 NE Oregon St. Portland, OR 97232
United States Of America
Clorox Girls [clorox_girls[AT]yahoo{DOT}com]
Clorox Girls #1:
(first album)
Clay Silva: drums, tambourine
Zack Lewis: bass
Justin Maurer: guitar, vocals
Clorox Girls #2:
(live 2005, second album)
Clay Silva: drums, tambourine
Colin Grigson: bass
Justin Maurer: guitar, vocals
Clorox Girls #3:
(Double Mao 7")
Justin Maurer: vocals, guitar, drums, bass
Ligia Bevilacqua: drums, bass
Justin Maurer's musical history
Colin Grigson's musical history
- Baby 7" (Jonny Cat Records, 2004, FY-677)
- Baby
- Get Away
- Hitman
- Trashy Daydream
- This Dimension 7" (Jonny Cat Records, 2005, FY-684)
1st ed: 200 testpressing copies = euro tour edition 2nd ed: regular edition 3rd ed: squared red vinyl with spraypainted bandname 4th ed: blue vinyl
- This Dimension
- Animal Eyes (Defenders)
- Novacaine 7" (Bachelor Records, 2006, BR-01)
repress of some original I don't know anything about
- Novacaine
- Nicht Meine Stadt
- Trashy Daydream
- Eva Braun 7" (Burning Sensation Records, 2006, BS 003)
- Eva Braun
- In My Mouth
- Walks The Streets
- Double Mao 7" (Bachelor Records, 2007, BR-06)
- Double Mao
- Total Babe
- I Like Drugs
- Boys/Girls 7" (Prügelprinz Records, 2007, FLV 205-8646)
- Boys/girls
- Do You Know That
- Policia (Titás)
- split 7" (Beat Generation, 2006, beat 21)
- Clorox Girls: Buscando Un Lugar
- Clorox Girls: Pez Negro
- Clorox Girls: Stuck In A Hole
- Kissin' Cousins: Warriors
- Kissin' Cousins: Honesty Is Dead
- Kissin' Cousins: Switchblade Dreams
- Kissin' Cousins: Soc Un Merda
- Clorox Girls LP/CD (SmartGuy Records, 2004, smart 015)
1st ed: orange and black printed sleeve 2nd ed: green and black printed sleeve 3rd ed: black printed sleeve
- The One
- Walks The Streets
- Hometown
- The Press
- Vietnam
- Time For Losing
- Don't Take Your Life
- Emergency
- Golden Boy
- Stuck Inside A Whole
- Protect You Girl
- End Of A Fantasy
- This Dimension LP/CD (SmartGuy Records, 2005, smart 021)
- This Dimension
- Eons Away
- Pop Codeine
- Upperhand
- Silence/Storm
- Girl Parts
- Can't Stand My Face
- Frightening Girl
- Hitman
- Get It, Heart
- Let Me Go Home
- Tara
- Clorox Girls official website