Grunnen Rocks Home Willem Kolvoort
Clorox Girls
Clorox Girls
2817 NE Oregon St.
Portland, OR 97232

United States Of America
Clorox Girls [clorox_girls[AT]yahoo{DOT}com]

Clorox Girls #1:
(first album)
Clay Silva: drums, tambourine
Zack Lewis: bass
Justin Maurer: guitar, vocals

Clorox Girls #2:
(live 2005, second album)
Clay Silva: drums, tambourine
Colin Grigson: bass
Justin Maurer: guitar, vocals

Clorox Girls #3:
(Double Mao 7")
Justin Maurer: vocals, guitar, drums, bass
Ligia Bevilacqua: drums, bass


Justin Maurer's musical history
Colin Grigson's musical history

  1. Baby 7" (Jonny Cat Records, 2004, FY-677)
    1. Baby
    2. Get Away
    3. Hitman
    4. Trashy Daydream
  2. This Dimension 7" (Jonny Cat Records, 2005, FY-684)
      1st ed: 200 testpressing copies = euro tour edition
      2nd ed: regular edition
      3rd ed: squared red vinyl with spraypainted bandname
      4th ed: blue vinyl
    1. This Dimension
    2. Animal Eyes (Defenders)
  3. Novacaine 7" (Bachelor Records, 2006, BR-01)
      repress of some original I don't know anything about
    1. Novacaine
    2. Nicht Meine Stadt
    3. Trashy Daydream
  4. Eva Braun 7" (Burning Sensation Records, 2006, BS 003)
    1. Eva Braun
    2. In My Mouth
    3. Walks The Streets
  5. Double Mao 7" (Bachelor Records, 2007, BR-06)
    1. Double Mao
    2. Total Babe
    3. I Like Drugs
  6. Boys/Girls 7" (Prügelprinz Records, 2007, FLV 205-8646)
    1. Boys/girls
    2. Do You Know That
    3. Policia (Titás)
  1. split 7" (Beat Generation, 2006, beat 21)
    1. Clorox Girls: Buscando Un Lugar
    2. Clorox Girls: Pez Negro
    3. Clorox Girls: Stuck In A Hole
    4. Kissin' Cousins: Warriors
    5. Kissin' Cousins: Honesty Is Dead
    6. Kissin' Cousins: Switchblade Dreams
    7. Kissin' Cousins: Soc Un Merda
  1. Clorox Girls LP/CD (SmartGuy Records, 2004, smart 015)
      1st ed: orange and black printed sleeve
      2nd ed: green and black printed sleeve
      3rd ed: black printed sleeve
    1. The One
    2. Walks The Streets
    3. Hometown
    4. The Press
    5. Vietnam
    6. Time For Losing
    7. Don't Take Your Life
    8. Emergency
    9. Golden Boy
    10. Stuck Inside A Whole
    11. Protect You Girl
    12. End Of A Fantasy
  2. This Dimension LP/CD (SmartGuy Records, 2005, smart 021)
    1. This Dimension
    2. Eons Away
    3. Pop Codeine
    4. Upperhand
    5. Silence/Storm
    6. Girl Parts
    7. Can't Stand My Face
    8. Frightening Girl
    9. Hitman
    10. Get It, Heart
    11. Let Me Go Home
    12. Tara


  1. Clorox Girls official website