Budget Girls |
awesome english chicks |
Teri Burd's musical history
- Get In Your Ear 7" (Damaged Goods, 1996, DAMGOOD 88)
- Pop-A-Wheelie Cop-A-Feelie
- Teabaggin'
- French One
- Go Away Geek!
- Miso Hornie 7" (Damaged Goods, 2000, DAMGOOD 179)
- Miso Hornie
- Nothin' To Do (But You)
- Welp, He's Gone
- Get In Your Ear 7" (Planet Pimp Records, year ?, PPR-020)
tracks ?
- I Like Going Topless 7" (Voodoo Rhythm Records, year ?, VR7 07)
tracks ?
- On A Tight Budget LP/CD (Damaged Goods, 1999, DAMGOOD 129)
- Big Business
- You're So Sorry
- I Love You
- The Encounter
- We're Tight
- Tickle Bee
- Lunch Time
- Practical
- Silver Dollars
- Gentle Dental
- Two-Cheek Sneak
- Walk The Walk
- Master Cobbler
- Glad All Over
- Budget Girls @ damagedgoods.co.uk