Grunnen Rocks Home Willem Kolvoort
Killer Klown
Italian Punkrock
Killer Klown/Non Ce N'è Records
c/o Goti Luca
Via Broni 4
10126 Torino

Claudio Maggiora [icamax[AT]yahoo{DOT}com]

Fausto Seccante: vocals
Massimo Ventura: guitars
Fabrizio Cairo: bass
Piera Boeris: vox keyboards
Claudio Maggiora: drums


Piera Boeris' musical history
Massimo Ventura's musical history
Fausto Seccante's musical history

  1. Brand New Shit 7" (Non Ce N'è Records, 1995, ncn 02)
    1. Don't Break It Up
    2. Barnd New Shit
    3. Razor Blade
    4. Burnin' The Liars
  2. Twist & Fuck 2x7" (Non Ce N'è Records, 1996, ncn 04/05)
    1. Puke Pie
    2. Somebody Tell Me
    3. The Young Ones
    4. Destroy
    5. Skinheads Are Marchin' On The World
    6. I Wanna Be Yr Killer/I Wanna Be Yr Klown
    7. Corholin' My Mother
    8. Twist & Fuck
    9. No Way
    10. Moana
    11. Mr. Okio
    12. Ciulai
  3. Shane White Is A Friend Of Mine 7" (Mad Driver Records, 1998, MDR 01)
      "dedicated to Shane White"
    1. Shane White Is A Friend Of Mine
    2. Cryin' For Goti
  4. 'Hey, Piccolinà! Bo Mania! 7" (Psych-Out Records, 1998, PO-45001)
      500 copies
    1. Evil
    2. Some Kinda Fun
    3. Hey Piccolina
    4. Bo Mania
  1. Dr. Pedophilous 10" (Killyourself Punkarrecords, 1997, KYS 001)
      1000 copies
    1. I Love Your Skin
    2. Don't Push Me Out
    3. Graveyard Rock
    4. A Gun For Phil
    5. Don't Need You
    6. Dr. Pedophilous
    7. Buncha Bullshits
    8. Your Big Mouth Is Goin' To Suck
    9. F.T.W.
    10. I'm Alone & I'm Happy
    11. Thunder Girl
  2. To Junk To Die LP (Mad Driver Records, 1999, MDR 11)
      picture disc
    1. You'll Never Stop R'n'R
    2. Respected
    3. Down In The Shit
    4. Krazy Dates
    5. Hit & Run
    6. Hayseed Timebomb (Nine Pound Hammer)
    7. No More Animals
    8. Too Junk To Die
    9. Street Trash
    10. Señorita
    11. I Want Yr Ass!
    12. You Can't Put Yer Arm Around A Memory (Johnny Thunders)
  3. Satan's Rock LP (Mad Driver Records, 2001, MDR 17)
    1. The Day After (I.F.D.)
    2. She's So Wild
    3. Pusher O'Love
    4. Gimme Dope
    5. Satan's Rock
    6. R'N'R Killed My Mother
    7. Blowjobs & Knives
    8. I'm Living In A Cave
    9. Motherfucker Joe Dead Loose
    10. I Want My Baby Back
    11. Wet Purple Dream
    12. Toilet Love
  4. Playing The Rolling Stones CD (label?, year ?,
      tracks ?
  1. Eternally Is Here format? (Shove Records, 1999,
      other bands ? their tracks ?
    1. Railroad Bill (The Gun Club)
  2. Space Patrol In Mission CD (S.P.A.F. Records, 2002, SPAF 001)
    1. Pusher Of Love


  1. Killer Klown official website